The Guardian got serious about archiving published work on the internet at the turn of the millennium. Before that it was very hit and miss. There is a full (or almost full – a few pieces seem to have gone astray) chronological link to my pieces for the Guardian from that period up to the present under my profile on its website:
I have reconstructed pieces which fell through the digital net or were archived rather haphazardly, and reprinted these in the Miscellaneous pieces section elsewhere on this website.
Some of my Guardian pieces, I have to admit, are better than others – not everything works! But the pieces I link to below are those I consider worth preserving and highlighting. Some are slight; some are very long – the internet is bad at differentiating pieces of different type, but I hope that everything archived here has some merit, even the short comic pieces.
They are listed in reverse chronological order (most recent first) and organised into four sections: Interviews, Features, Culture and Sport. The dividing lines are slightly blurred, and occasionally, where for example I felt the quest narrative was the key (me trying to sing or chess-box or do some other crazy thing), I have put a subject that might be considered cultural or sporting into the general features section. Similarly, all interviews with people involved in the arts and sport appear in the interviews section.
Offcuts: An archive of selected articles by Stephen Moss: feature writer, author and former literary editor of the Guardian